Through the powerful transcendental envisionment–journeys people are completely relieved of their karmic constraints and the influences of the stellar imprints. People are transmuted entirely through erasing the karmic causes and receive the power of the divine spark.
This is how the qualities of all incarnations rise and all their goals become materialized.
Three main karmic erasures
- What are karmic strands
- Dissolution of karmic strands by fifth-dimensional masters and archangels purifiers.
- The assistance and the role of the higher selves.
- Forgiveness
- Of anger – not loving oneself – emotional shocks.
- Of spiritual injuries, spiritual dependencies.
- Total healing of traumatic memory.
- of dependencies on harmful substances.
Initiation of master Metatron – Awakening of the celestial genetic memory. Cell mutation. Enhancement and balancing of neurons. Six basic liberating keys-seals.
- Liberating Seal of Elohim Michael – Liberation of the divine power of the soul and activation of will.
- Liberating Seal of Elohim Gabriel – Liberation of the true plan and activation of our mission.
- Liberating Seal of Elohim Raphael – Liberation of karmic diseases and psychological blockages. Activation of the soul’s healing ability and remedy.
- Liberating Seal of Elohim Uriel – Liberation from imprints of karmic emotional dependencies which create interpersonal relationships. Advancement to the future of the fifth-dimensional earth.
- Liberating Seal of Elohim Zakhiel – Liberation and purification from karmic fears and toxic habits.
- Liberating Seal of Samuel – Liberation from emotional shocks, heart awakening and establishment of the true self-love.
2nd CYCLE – INITIATION TRAINιNG (5 sessions)
- Initiation in converting and totally aligning the seven body energy centers – Shift of the focus of the energy centers on higher dimensions in order to open a communication channel (channeling). DNA enhancement – Development of superconsciousness and superintellect.
- The Virgin Mary Initiation – Awakening of the healing ability – Code of Therapy.
- Initiation in Elohim Michael anointment – Awakening of the mental powers. Energy symbolic weapon with the ability of dynamic activation of luminous fighters. Development of the Yang balance, the male element.
- Initiation in master Diana anointment. Energy symbolic weapon for the materialization of goals and activation of a new life plan. Development of the Yin balance, the female element.
- Initiatory activation of symbolic power weapons. (Elohim Michael and master Diana. Application and practice.
- Initiation in master Athena – Awakening of the immortal DNA of the soul. Awakening of the IHOR code and mental immortality.
- Initiation in the awakening of our progenitors to the higher dimensions.
- Initiation in the establishment of the mental body with a celestial carrier and material.
- Sacred baptism of the fifth-dimensional body. Definition of soul name. Awakening of the conscience of the fifth-dimensional mental body.
- Sacred wedding – Consolidation of the reoperation of our progenitors. Unification of our progenitors with our fifth-dimensional body.
4rth CYCLE – HIGHER EDUCATION (6 sessions)
- Seventh seal key of liberation – Maraseel – Iliel – Altos & Etolos. From the healer–geneticist Maraseel – Mutation of the seven metals in our cells for youth development. Iliel- Awakening of the balanced dynamic speech. Altos and Etolos – Justice distribution (acoustic seal code).
- Eighth Seal key of liberation – Poseidon – Ethra Elohim Zofiel. Poseidon and Ethra – Liberation from stored subconscious memories. Enhancement of the water element in the DNA. Elohim Zofiel – Guidance towards the consolidation of liberating keys (acoustic seal code).
- Ninth Seal key of liberation – Progenitors Uranus – Earth and master Uranus. Progenitors Uranus and Earth- Liberation from worlds of illusion. Master Uranus – Awakening of gratitude for the consolidation of miracles in our lives (acoustic seal code).
- Tenth seal key of liberation – Elohim of abundance. Development of the five elements of abundance after the dissolution of the constraints of the five elements that had been leading us to the wrong choices. Liberation of abundance on all levels.
- Eleventh seal key of liberation – Progenitors Christ–Virgin Mary. Definition of the returning to our heavenly motherland. Final liberation of all constraints. Forgiveness (acoustic seal code).
- Twelfth seal key of liberation. Liberation of the constraints in our dimension. Connection with all dimensions of the Divine universe (acoustic seal code).